maternal +

Elevate care and optimize your returns with Maternal+

We combine technology and culture to transform the maternal journal for Latina mothers. Join us in this revolution to reduce costs and improve outcomes.

Elevate care and optimize your returns with Maternal+

We combine technology and culture to transform the maternity experience for Latina mothers. Join us in this revolution to reduce costs and improve service.

Discover how we are changing lives.

With the increase in maternal mortality rates and pregnancy complications, costs for insurers are growing exponentially.

Maternal+ provides an evidence-based solution

Improving the health and well-being of mothers.

Contributes to significant economic savings.

The state of maternal health in the United States

40% higher maternal mortality

The maternal mortality rate has increased by 40% in the last two years in the U.S., being the highest in 60 years.

Source: CDC

$26B is the annual cost for the U.S.

Maternity and related challenges account for $26 billion in costs to the U.S. economy. These costs include healthcare, work absenteeism, suboptimal treatments, and lack of adequate support.

Source: CDC

BIPOC women have nearly 3 times more risk

This population is more vulnerable to maternal mortality, and this is due to disparities in health care, cultural aspects, among others.

Source: CDC

Maternity risk has increased in the U.S.

The U.S. is the most dangerous place among high-income countries to give birth.

Source: CDC

The state of maternal health in the United States

40% higher maternal mortality

The maternal mortality rate has increased by 40% in the last two years in the U.S., being the highest in 60 years.

Source: CDC

$26B is the annual cost for the U.S.

Maternity and related challenges account for $26 billion in costs to the U.S. economy. These costs include healthcare, work absenteeism, suboptimal treatments, and lack of adequate support.

Source: CDC

Maternity risk has increased in the U.S.

The U.S. is the most dangerous place among high-income countries to give birth.

Source: CDC

BIPOC women have nearly 3 times more risk

This population is more vulnerable to maternal mortality, and this is due to disparities in health care, cultural aspects, among others.

Source: CDC

Our Solution

Our Solution

Maternal +

An evidence-based and culturally competent telehealth platform that provides emotional and behavioral support, improving postpartum outcomes in Latina women.

Technology + personalized guidance

We integrate artificial intelligence and automation with personalized guidance from highly trained experts, providing the essential accompaniment and support women require.

Cultural focus

We bring Latina culture and traditions to the digital world, as well as parenting and maternity practices, to offer tailored solutions that meet the needs of Latina women residing in the U.S.


A clinical pilot provided evidence of remarkable results in women who participated in the program, in contrast to those who were not part of the pilot.

Maternal + es la plataforma digital líder para madres latinas, abrazando y comprendiendo sus necesidades únicas desde el embarazo hasta el post-parto.

Mediante la integración de la inteligencia artificial y la atención humana, ofrecemos soluciones 1:1, grupos de apoyo y un flujo continuo de asistencia.

Nuestro enfoque culturalmente adaptado garantiza una comprensión más profunda y una intervención efectiva, resultando en madres más felices y bebés más saludables.

Reduce maternal care costs by 30%

Reduce maternal care costs by 30%

Direct Savings

Prevent preterm births, postpartum depression, extended hospital stays, and low birth weight using our comprehensive program.

Return on Investment

Every investment in Maternal+ translates into noticeable benefits in health, well-being, and economic aspects.

Claims Reduction

With healthier mothers and babies experiencing fewer complications, you’ll experience decreased costs in claims.

Key Findings from Our Pilot and Its Economic Impact

We collaborated with the second largest Colombian insurer, successfully implementing a pilot that involved 250 women. Discover below the key points we addressed, demonstrating our effectiveness and potential for future partnerships.

Focused on a select group of 250 women

Fewer hospitalization days
0 %
Extra weeks of gestation
+ 0
Reduction in cesarean rates
0 %
Fewer cases of postpartum depression
0 %

Fewer perinatal deaths and abortions

Menos días en el hospital significa costos de hospitalización significativamente reducidos y una rotación más eficiente de las camas hospitalarias.

Reduciendo eventos trágicos, evitamos costosas intervenciones médicas y tratamientos de seguimiento a largo plazo. Reducción del 11% en tasas de cesárea: Las cesáreas, más costosas que los partos naturales, también conllevan riesgos adicionales y tiempos de recuperación más largos, lo que lleva a costos hospitalarios adicionales.

Tratar la depresión tiene un alto costo en terapia y medicación. Al prevenir estos casos, evitamos gastos y garantizamos un bienestar emocional más sólido para las madres.

Un mayor tiempo de gestación puede reducir significativamente las tasas de complicaciones neonatales y los costosos cuidados intensivos neonatales.

Overall Results

These findings translate to a drastic reduction in healthcare costs. By partnering with us, insurers can leverage these efficiencies and provide higher quality care at a lower cost.

Key Findings from Our Pilot and Its Economic Impact

We collaborated with the second largest Colombian insurer, successfully implementing a pilot that involved 250 women. Discover below the key points we addressed, demonstrating our effectiveness and potential for future partnerships.

Focused on a select group of 250 women

Extra weeks of gestation
+ 0
Fewer hospitalization days
0 %
Reduction in cesarean rates
0 %
Fewer cases of postpartum depression
0 %

Fewer perinatal deaths and abortions

Overall Results

These findings translate to a drastic reduction in healthcare costs. By partnering with us, insurers can leverage these efficiencies and provide higher quality care at a lower cost.

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